• So happy to have moved into the new Jerri Savuto Center! New Year's Day, 2024


In 2021 the United Women in Faith of the North Texas Conference decided to partner with the Connexional Women Fellowship of the Methodist Church in Kenya and began fulfilling a dream . . . to end the traditional female genital mutilation (FGM) practice in villages in the Pokot section of western Kenya. Pauline Ntombura, the Kenyan Methodist Conference Bishop’s wife, dreamed of a shelter for Kenyan girls who needed a safe haven to avoid genital mutilation and being sold off in marriage. 
The primary goal has been achieved with the construction of the Center with bedrooms. bathrooms and shower facilities, and a kitchen for the girls's home.   The 60 girls are in school (currently 48 girls are in primary schools and 12 in secondary schools). The girls are doing very well in school. 
We are very blessed to have very focused and brilliant girls using the chance with utmost value. They are healthy and we have not had any issues of concern. They are happy and well provided for. Their school reports are very encouraging, and their involvement at the centre is progressing. They are learning life skills by doing chores and helping in the kitchen, along with simple gardening over the weekend. Local traditions continue the common practice of taking girls through FGM rituals and forced child marriages to old men, so girls keep escapting and finding their way to the Jerri Savuto Center for refuge. 
The girls have recently finished their school term and did very well. Their accounts are paid up to date due to generous donations from people like you and the United Women of Faith of North Texas. On August 26th the girls returned to school and they are funded for the coming months. 
Contact Information

Jerri Savuto Charitable Foundation